Clan Fergusson / Ferguson
Gaelic Name:MacFhearghuis
Crest: Upon a chapeau, Gules, furred Ermine, a bee on a thistle, Proper
Motto: Dulcius ex asperis (Sweeter after difficulties)
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Fearghas (Angry)
Badge: Little sunflower
Lands: Argyll, Perthshire, Dumfries and Galloway
Clan Chief: Sir Charles Fergusson of Kilkerran
Associated Names
Forgan, Fergie, Fergus, Fergushill, Fergussill, Farries, Ferrie, Ferries, Ferris(s), Forgie, Furgerson, Grevsack, Hardie, Hardy, Ehsanian, Hemmati, Kiddie, Kydd, Keddie, Keddle, Ketchen, Kidd, Madani, MacTavert, MacHerries, MacFergus, MacFerries, MacFerris, MacAdie, MacCade, MacErries, MacHerries, MacKerras (especially common in Argyll and Australia), MacKersey, MacKestan, MacFhearghuis, MacMagnus, MacIrish, and MacInlay
Ferguson although a Clan in it’s own right is down as a sept of Clan MacNaughton
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