Clan MacAlister
Gaelic Name: MacAlasdair
Crest: A dexter arm in armour erect, the hand holding a dagger in pale, all Proper
Motto: Fortiter (Boldly)
Origin of Name: Son of Alexander
Badge: Heath
Lands:Kintyre, Arran and Bute
Clan Chief: William McAlester of Loup and Kennox
Associated Names
MacAlaster, MacAlester, MacAlister, MacAllaster, MacAllester, MacAllister, MacCalaster, MacCalester, MacCalister, MacCallaster, MacCallester, MacCallister, McAlaster, McAlester, McAlister, McAllaster, McAllester, McAllister, McCalaster, McCalester, McCalister, McCallaster, McCallester, McCallister, MacColaster, MacColester, MacColister, MacCollaster, MacCollester, MacCollister, McColaster, McColester, McColister, McCollaster, McCollester, McCollister, MacAlasdair, MacAllasdair, MacCalasdair, MacCallasdair, McAlasdair, McAllasdair, McCalasdair, McCallasdair, MacLaster, MacLester, MacLister, McLaster, McLester, McLister, M’Alasher, McKallister, M’Alester, McClester, MacEllistram, and McOlisterr
There are five branches of the Clan MacAlister
1.Tarbert Castle 2.Loup 3.Strathaird, Isle of Skye 4. Glen Barr 5. Alexander of Menstrie
The Strathaird, Isle of Skye branch of the Clan has very close ties with the MacDonalds of Sleat.
MacAlister Clan and Tartan Shop
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