Clan MacDowall / McDowall
Gaelic Name: Mac Dubhghaill
Crest: Issuant from a crest coronet Or, a Lion’s paw erased and erected Proper holding a dagger point upwards Proper, hilted and pommelled Or
Motto: Vincere Vel Mori (To conquer or die)
Origin of Name: Gaelic, son of Dubhghall, ‘dark stranger’
Badge: Sprig of Oak
Historic Seat: Barr Castle
Clan Chief: Fergus D.H. McDowall of Garthland
Associated Names
Coyle, Dole, Dougal, Dougall, Doyle, Dow, Dowdle, Dowall, Dowell, Dowler, Dowling, Dugle, Duvall, Duwall, Kyle, MacDewell, MacDill, MacDole, MacDool, MacDougall, McDougal, MacDouyl, M’Douwille, Macduoel, Mcdoual, Mcdoll, MacDowall, MacDowal, McDowall, McDowal, MacDowell, McDowell, MacDowile, MacDowile, MacDowile, MacDowilt, MacDuael, MacDuel, McDuhile, MacDull, Macduuyl, Macduyl, Makdougall, Makdull, Mcduwell, M’Gowall, and Mactheuel